Bullying is a serious problem that, unfortunately, affects an increasing number of children each year. Whether verbal, physical, or both, bullying can severely undermine self-esteem and even erode hope for a better future. Beyond Being Bullied is powerful medicine for the negative messages that accompany being targeted by a bully. Readers are provided with a wealth of activities designed to reinforce self-esteem. Additional activities relate to treating people with kindness and seeing oneself as a superhero who is well equipped to deflect negative messages and emerge even more resilient. Ages 7-12, Softcover, 40 pages Other titles available in the Helping Kids Heal Series Saying Goodbye: Memory Book Memories of You: Pet Memory Book Outsmart Test Anxiety: A Workbook to Help Kids Conquer Test Anxiety Better Days: A Workbook to Help Kids Better Understand and Accept Retention A Brighter Tomorrow: A Workbook to Help Kids Cope with Traumatic Events Chill Out: A Workbook to Help Kids Learn to Control Their Anger Mom or Dad's House?: A Workbook to Help Kids Cope with Divorce Broken Promises: When Parents Don't Keep Their Word Cyber Savvy: A Workbook for Kids Who Have Been a Target of Cyberbullying Twice the Love: A Workbook for Kids in Blended Families Somebodyness: A Workbook to Help Kids Improve Their Self-Confidence Each workbook in the Helping Kids Heal Series allows children to process their pain through art therapy, self-reflection, and self-awareness activities.