Child pornography is a critical legal and ethical problem that has experienced a resurgence coincident with the growth of the Internet. After international efforts to amend child protection laws in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, the prevalence of child pornography cases dropped precipitously and the distribution of child pornography was largely limited to the back rooms of adult bookstores, small cells of individual traders, and a limited, known list of overseas mail order providers. With the growth of the Internet, the ease, cost, and relative anonymity of transactions greatly increased the availability of child pornography and the number of child pornography offenders. Digital Child Pornography: A Practical Guide for Investigators seeks to address the problems faced in investigating child pornography offenses in the always-on, always-connected age. The contents of this book are organized into three sections as follows: • Foundations. The background and modern history of child pornography are covered. The prevalence and types of child pornography are addressed, and a typology of child pornographers is presented, including the psychological reasons for the individuals to be engaged in child pornography. An overview of the current federal laws addressing child pornography is presented, and key cases of recent interest are detailed. How to select investigators to investigate child pornography offenses and how to keep them safe are also reviewed. • Digital Forensics. Digital forensics, as applied to child pornography, is addressed. A methodology for planning for and conducting search warrants in child pornography offenses is provided, and key elements of proof needed that can be gathered digitally are presented. A framework for conducting dead-box analysis for evidence of child pornography offenses is provided. • Interviews and Interrogations. The subjects of child pornography cases take special care and feeding and they require special considerations when interviewing. The process of interviewing and interrogating child pornography subjects, from the planning stages through to obtaining a confession, is documented. Digital Child Pornography: A Practical Guide for Investigators is written by an investigator specifically for other child pornography investigators and provides the most comprehensive guide to these investigations currently available.
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: 防止兒童色情物品條例(第579章). Prevention of Child Pornography Ordinance (Cap 579)
Child pornography on the Internet
America's appetite for child pornography puts all our children at risk. Your children and mine. Whether you acknowledge it or not. This book is a wake-up call about a subject too few people want to discuss.
A global sex trade is ongoing where the bodies of children are sold and bought like any merchandise. Millions of children are victims. The demand for sex with children is the main driving force in this cynical and lucrative trade.
The Achilles Heel is an odyssey of suspense and violence, a contest undertaken in the shadows of international intrigue. In ingenuity and brilliance and credibility it matches Reg Gadney's other bestselling thrillers.
Examines the increasing problem of sexual abuse of children in the world and considers the legal and social strategies that are being adopted to combat these issues particularly in the area of the Internet where there is a growing number of ...
Quotidiennement, les médias font état d'informations sur des réseaux de prostitution et de pornographie exploitant des enfants.
Reverend Jack Mallund knows his SAS regimental reunion party won't be for the faint-hearted.
Life and Death on the Internet: How to Protect Your Family on the World Wide Web