Calculus with Analytic Geometry

Calculus with Analytic Geometry
Calculus with Analytic Geometry
Houghton Mifflin
Bruce H. Edwards, Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler


A leader in the field through six editions, "Calculus has achieved this status by providing a wide variety of teaching and learning techniques, allowing professors to teach the way they want to teach. Designed for the three-semester course for math and science majors, the Larson/Hostetler/Edwards series continues its tradition of success by being the first to offer both an Early Transcendental version as well as a new "Calculus with Precalculus text. This was also the first calculus text to use computer-generated graphics (Third Edition), to include exercises involving the use of computers and graphing calculators (Fourth Edition), to be available in an interactive CD-ROM format (Fifth Edition), and to be offered as a complete, online calculus course (Sixth Edition). Every edition of the book has made the mastery of traditional calculus skills a priority, while embracing the best features of new technology and, when appropriate, calculus reform ideas. The text's evolving range of conceptual, technological, and creative tools has always allowed each professor to choose the best, most effective way to teach his or her calculus course. The Seventh Edition also expands its support package with an all-new set of text-specific videos.Known for its diverse and flexible exercise sets, the text now contains nearly 10,000 carefully graded exercises, each set progressing from skill-development problems to more rigorous problems involving applications and proofs."New! P.S. Problem-Solving Sections, an additional set of thought-provoking exercises added to the end of each chapter, require students to use a variety of problem-solving skills and provide a challenging arena for students to work withcalculus concepts."New! Getting at the Concept Exercises added to each section exercise set check students' understanding of the basic concepts. Located midway through the exercise set, they are both boxed and titled for easy reference."New! Review Exercises at the end of each chapter have been reorganized to provide students with a more effective study tool. The exercises are now grouped and correlated by text section, enabling students to target concepts requiring review."New! The icon "IC" in the text identifies examples that appear in the "Interactive Calculus 3.0 CD-ROM and "Internet Calculus 2.0 web site with enhanced opportunities for exploration and visualization using the program itself and/or a Computer Algebra System.Think About It conceptual exercises require students to use their critical-thinking skills and help them develop an intuitive understanding of the underlying theory of the calculus.Modeling Data multi-part questions ask students to find and interpret mathematical models to fit real-life data, often through the use of a graphing utility.Section Projects, extended applications that appear at the end of selected exercise sets. may be used for individual, collaborative, or peer-assisted assignments.Writing exercises throughout help develop students' reasoning skills and make them comfortable with discussing mathematical concepts.True or False? Exercises, included toward the end of many exercises sets, help students understand the logical structure of calculus and highlight concepts, common errors, and the correct statements of definitions and theorems.A wealth and variety of applications, many using current real data, clearly demonstrate the relevance of calculus.All real data in exercises and examples has been updated.Answers to all odd-numbered exercises are included in the back of the text.Technology is integrated thoughtfully (although not required) throughout the text, allowing for optimal flexibility in teaching and learning. When appropriate in examples, exercises, and applications, students are encouraged to use a graphing utility or computer algebra system as a tool for exploration, discovery, and problem-solving. To facilitate and clarify technology use, a graphing utility icon identifies all exercises that specifically instruct students to use a graphing utility or a computer algebra system.Explorations are optional boxed projects that help students discover selected concepts on their own before being exposed to them in the text.Motivating the Chapter sections opening each chapter present data-driven applications that explore the concepts to be covered in the context of a real-world setting.More than 1000 examples in the Seventh Edition enhance the text's usefulness as a study tool for all types of learners. Each example is titled for easy reference and many provide detailed solutions (many with side comments) that are presented graphically, analytically, and/or numerically to provide further insight into mathematical concepts.

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