A research-based program that delivers proven results and instills a lifelong love of reading in every student with high quality instructional and practice materials. Comprehensive instructional and planning tools provide lesson objectives and teaching language that focuses on instruction, practice, and application. Promotes reading skills in below level, on level, above level and for English language learners and provides a strong foundational literacy base at every level.
I Want My Mum!
Making Connections: Comprehension Skills and Strategies, Interactive Big Book
*Ensures children progress at the right pace with supportive, gradual progression through carefully graded steps. *Provides engaging humour and lively fiction plots provided by top authors and illustrators enhance excellence and enjoyment ...
Genre Range for ages 5-11: *Provides exciting and engaging texts from all the fiction genres children need to experience and understand.*Offers rich opportunities for speaking and listening through playscripts and poetry ranging from ...
This pupil's book is part of Step 4 and is designed for shared reading.
This pupil's book is part of Step 4 and is designed for shared reading.
Big Books from big name authors to share with the whole class
Birds, Birds Everywhere
The Mean Machine
Folens Science in Action: Age 4-5