When Miss Bridie leaves her home to emigrate to the New World, she leaves behind all she has ever known to take a chance on a better future, but the transition isn't simple and Miss Bridie must stay committed in order to see her dreams finally come to fruition.
The story of Loyal Blood, a man on the run from a crime so terrible that it renders him forever incapable of touching a woman.
My ntonia is the story of Jim Burden, a young boy displaced to a Nebraska farm after the death of his parents, and the lasting, loving relationship he builds with ntonia Shimerda, a girl recently emigrated from Bohemia.
Readers who like the books of Laura Ingalls Wilder or Willa Cather will enjoy Farm Girl. It takes place on the Marker farm, located near Red Cloud, the locale of Willa Cather's Nebraska novels.
“Well, if you're off the market, maybe I should check out Casey's mom. Do I know her? Is she cute?” Lacey became serious. “I'm ashamed of Jerrod for talking about her that way. Donna Sullivan is a nice girl, trying to raise a kid on her ...
Since we were in a rush to be here when the chickens came , David said , “ Load the calves into the van . ” I helped him with two before sweat dripped off me so bad I sat down in the front seat . I left the door open to let the air cool ...
But Karen , tough times or not , was the only heir . The farm had been her only prayer , however bleak , for a future solvency . Karen had known for a long time , before her father's death , the extent of the crisis , her parents had ...
"Justine Hildebrandt's manuscript was passed down from daughter to niece to daughter, written in longhand on 300 sheets of stationery.
He knows exactly how to clobber a stubborn bolt , loosen a rusty nut , hammer out a crooked cotter pin . He knows just what part of his equipment can be utilized to aid the repair , how to improvise ...
"These stories started in 1933 and give my impressions of our lives as they changed dramatically from suburban Auckland where my parents lived a busy but secure and close family life, to isolation in the backblocks of Helensville, making a ...