This supplementary text offers two readings per chapter organized in a debate-style format, representing opposing viewpoints. The straightforward, thought-provoking presentation facilitates class discussion. Debate topics include Public Opinion: The American People and War, Civil Liberties and War: Debating the USA Patriot Act, Debating the Deficit and the Size of Government, Economic Equality: A Threat to Democracy? and U.S. Foreign Policy After September 11: American Hegemony or International Cooperation?
The unique format and current content give this book a distinct advantage over other readers.
Not only does this volume provide the most comprehensive and insightful critique of Sandel's Democracy's Discontent to date - it also makes a very significant, substantive contribution to contemporary political and legal philosophy in its ...
If democracy means anything, it means robust debates. Over the years, the pages of the Journal have certainly seen their share of lively and illuminating scholarly disagreements.
Are democracies less likely to go to war than other kinds of states? This volume addresses this question, one of relevance in academic and policy-making circles and one that has been debated by political scientists for many years.
American Government Brief 7th Edition Plus Miroff Debating Democracy Reader 5th Edition
American Government and Debating Democracy Reader
There is substantial evidence that, in drawing up the documents and creating the institutions that are the foundation of the American republic, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Rutledge, and other...
These are the skills—so clearly lacking in contemporary society—of listening and persuading, through civil discourse backed by fact-based evidence and reason.
This is the latest volume in the distinguished Philosophy, Politics and Society series, known for engaging debates that cut across political science, philosophy, the law, and other disciplines.
American Government Brief, Fourth Edition and Debating Democracy and 10 Newsweeks