Making Sense: Essays on Art, Science, and Culture

Making Sense: Essays on Art, Science, and Culture
Making Sense
Houghton Mifflin Company
Bob Coleman


This cross-disciplinary reader gives students the opportunity to read and write about significant issues across the arts and sciences and to explore how knowledge is constructed and communicated. Thirty-eight contemporary essays are preceded by introductory chapters on writing and reading and are followed by assignment sequences that juxtapose three or more essays with a central theme. Discussion, library and Internet research, and writing activities accompany each reading. While the essays are arranged in alphabetical order, the text also offers alternative thematic and disciplinary tables of contents. The Second Edition of Making Sense presents works by well-known authors such as Annie Dillard, Gloria Anzalduacute;a, bell hooks, Lawrence Lessig, Ralph Ellison, and Nancy Sommers, as well as selections by lesser-known writers from a variety of fields. New! Students will be engaged by the variety of new readings by writers such as Dorothy Allison and Marita Sturken. New images also appear throughout the text, ranging from Depression-era photos accompanying Dorothy Allison's essay to advertisements accompanying Stuart Ewen's essay on consumer style. New! Pre-reading questions—"What Do You Know?" and "What Do You Expect to Discover?"—guide students to uncover what they already know about a topic so they can move with more confidence into their reading of the text. These questions also help students anticipate key ideas and develop their own framework for understanding the readings. New! Updated post-reading questions are now arranged in the following four categories: Reading, Rereading, and Analysis; Responding through Writing: Building an Interpretation; Going Further: Learning from Other Sources; and Applying What You've Learned. New! Ten new assignment sequences invite students to read critically and to practice their revision skills. Topics include "History and Memory," with selections from bell hooks, Ralph Ellison and Julie Charlip, and "Images and Words," with selections from Arlie Hochschild, Richard Florida, and Yi-Fu Tuan. This edition offers two appendices: "Making Sense through Research" and "Writing in the Disciplines," a collection of five essays by academics and professionals on the value of effective writing in a variety of fields.