The world's foremost experimental physicist uses humor, metaphor, and storytelling to delve into the mysteries of matter, discussing the as-yet-to-be-discovered God particle.
Leading a team of scientists, Mike McNair, a brilliant physicist, works to uncover one of the universe’s greatest secrets—a theoretical particle that binds the universe together, often called The God Particle.
With that there has to be a corresponding particle, made by creating waves in the field, and this is the Higgs boson, the so-called God particle. This eBook chronicles the search – and demonstrates the power of a good theory.
Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger joined the faculty at the University of Zurich three years later, in 1921. He was diagnosed with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis just a few months later. He was ordered to take a complete rest cure.
The biggest science story of our time, Massive spans four decades, weaving together the personal narratives and international rivalries behind the search for the "God" particle, or Higgs boson.
So their ability to evolve into intelligent beings and dramatically affect our life on this planet should come as no surprise. That's not quite how the humans in this story see it!
The physicist authors of Quantum Physics for Poets discuss the importance of the Higgs Boson in 2012 and the future of particle physics, explaining the forces and laws surrounding the "God Particle" and the ways the United States can ...
Starting where Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman's bestseller The God Particle left off, this incisive new book explains what's next.
This book examines the most cutting-edge scientific discoveries of our time, including the confirmation of the Higgs boson particle (or field) which has been described as more notable and important than Einsteins Theory of Relativity.
World-renowned astrophysicist, Dr. John Logan, and his protégée, Sarah Carmichael, have witnessed events which defy the laws of physics.
This is now scientific fact and no longer just mere conjecture and philosophy. This book is the first of its kind to describe not only how God works, but also where God lives.