Student Achievement Series (SAS): The Enduring Vision,is an innovative survey text and part of a program developed in partnership with teachers and students to meet the learning, study, and assessment goals necessary for student success. Through extensive research and focus groups conducted with a diverse cross-section of students, Houghton Mifflin presents a groundbreaking solution for skills mastery, understanding, and retention. Feedback from students has been instrumental in all aspects of development—from design and pedagogy to testing and assessment to title and packaging. These elements culminate in a textbook program that reflects the way students learn and study best. As with all texts in theStudent Achievement Series, SAS: The Enduring Visionincorporates concise, to-the-point coverage; eliminates extraneous material; integrates pedagogy that reinforces key concepts; features a strong, supporting web component for review, testing, and assessment purposes; and provides students with real value for their educational dollar. Like the corresponding full-length version,SAS: The Enduring Visionfeatures an engaging narrative that integrates political, social, and cultural history within a chronological framework.The Enduring Visionwas the first U.S. history survey to incorporate sustained attention to cultural history, and is also known for its innovative coverage of the West, public health, and the environment. Each chapter opens with a set ofFocus Questionsthat correspond to a designated section of the chapter. These questions provide a framework for the material to follow and promote active reading. Where appropriate, key information—such as section-endingChecking Insummaries—appears in bulleted format for quick and clear presentation and ample opportunity for students to check their understanding. Tying It Togetherchapter summaries provide a brief response to and page reference for each chapter-openingFocus Question,helping students synthesize chapter themes and directing them to areas that may require further study. Key terms are highlighted throughout the text, and appear as a group at the end of each chapter with page references that direct students to the definitions. Pronunciation guides, which immediately follow difficult or unfamiliar words, give students the confidence they need to discuss what they've read in the chapter. The fully integratedSAStechnology program promotes review, retention, and skills assessment. Icons in the margins of the text link students to web site material such as online quizzing, audio pronunciation guides, and chapter summaries. A range of course management tools further enhances learning and instruction. Titles in theStudent Achievement Seriesare affordably priced, making them ideal for student learning—and student budgets. The Enduring Visionis also available in a comprehensive version, as well as Concise and Dolphin Editions.
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People
This daily devotional is a roadmap to assist you on your mission to fulfill your purpose in this life. This devotional will inspire you to reach your full potential in God.
The Enduring Vision, Volume II: Since 1865
The 7th Edition brings the work fully up-to-date, and was revised line-by-line to create a sharper narrative. A new feature, called Going to the Source, is a one page excerpt of a primary source.
The Seventh Edition brings the work fully up to date, and was carefully revised to create a sharper narrative.
The Seventh Edition brings the work fully up to date, and was carefully revised to create a sharper narrative.
This book will engage you with its in-depth study of history, amaze you as to the accuracy of God's prophecies, and inspire you to be ready for the second advent of Jesus.
The Seventh Edition brings the work fully up to date, and was carefully revised to create a sharper narrative.
Known for its focus on the environment and the land, the text is also praised for its innovative coverage of cultural history, public health and medicine, and the West--including Native American history.
The Enduring Vision: From 1865