This book has stood the test of time as a core text, giving a concise introduction to immunology. It focuses on basic science but informs the reader of the clinical relevance where appropriate for a clear understanding of the cells, molecules and processes of the immune system.-- Clear and concise presentation making it easy to comprehend.-- features a color section that is referred to in several places throughout the book-- science with integrated clinical information: of particular value to students who need to know the relevance of the basic science
Microbiology and Immunology for the Health Team
This text has been written for the undergraduate students of micro-biology, immunology courses and nursing courses.
This text introduces the reader to various aspects of immunology through discussions incorporating both traditional topics in immunology and background information for the relatively uninitiated.
"INMUNOLOGÍA, Compendio de la 15a edición de Inmunología de Rojas": es una obra sucinta, didáctica, bien ilustrada y amena, que acerca al estudiante de las áreas de la salud al...
En los 40 años de vida de este texto se han generado dieciséis ediciones todas ellas con el objetivo de ofrecer a los estudiantes del área de la salud un...
Inmunología de Rojas
As a basic introductory textbook on one of the fastest-moving and most challenging areas of immunological science, this book contains the most recent information about immunologic mechanisms and their importance, along with various ...
General Immunology