Nous avions assez de preuves pour discréditer son histoire , notamment la déposition de son amie Julie Hiatt Steele affirmant que Willey lui avait demandé de mentir : peu après les prétendus « faits » , Willey aurait tout raconté à ...
In my previous life, one of the cases I did was Rocky Bennett. Rocky Bennett was someone who had mental health problems who died as a result of control and restraint in a clinic in Norfolk. I did the inquest and there was also a public ...
American Challenge
Great Singapore Stories: The man of firsts, Lee Kuan Yew
This book is much more than a political memoir. Susan Ryan gives fascinating insights into the making of policy, how ideas of social justice and the common good have - and have not - been translated into legislation.
Siapa menganut ajaran sesat?
... Annie H. The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War. Cleveland, Ohio, 1919. . “The Indians in the Civil War.” American Historical Review, XV (1909-10), 281-96. Alexander, Thomas B., and Richard E. Beringer.
Karen: en personlig historie
本书描述了杜月笙一生的生平, 包括: 磨难少年, 流氓大亨, 谋取政治资本, 开始正当职业, 难登政治殿堂等.
Rules of the Game: Sir Oswald and Lady Cynthia Mosley 1896-1933