The purpose of this book is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the ADA, including the sections governing employment (Title I), public entities (Title II), and public accommodations (Title III).
Accordingly, 'self-help' may often be your most, or your only, viable strategy. But how to proceed? This book serves as a badly needed practical guide to disability discrimination law.
In this timely book, Samuel R. Bagenstos examines the history of the movement and discusses the various, often-conflicting projects of diverse participants.
This publication may be viewed or downloaded from the ADA website (
This volume describes the extraordinary success of the international political movement of people with disabilities to include disability as a human rights issue.
To view or download the 2021 supplement to this book click here. The Sixth Edition of Disability Law provides a comprehensive overview of the major laws relating to discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
The DDA is 'enforced' by people with disabilities, disability user groups, action groups and national charities, amongst others. If a person with a disability feels that they have been discriminated against for reasons of their ...
Cultural Writing. "Our wrists hurt from typing on our too flat keyboards.We put the TV on 'mute' when it gets to noisy in the bar, and follow the action with...
In addition, with respect to Titles I, II, and III, the authors of this book have included the regulations, interpretive guidance, and technical assistance manual promulgated by the EEOC and the United States DOJ.
To view or download the 2020 Supplement to this book, click here. In 2013, LexisNexis published Colker and Grossman, The Law of Disability Discrimination, Eighth Edition.