How poignant it is to look at some of Gould's beautiful images of our animals and know that some are no longer with us, and some are fighting for their lives? In this book, author Fred Ford compares Gould’s world, and the world that the animals live in at that time, with the world today. John Gould’s Extinct and Endangered Mammals of Australia includes 46 Australian mammal species that, today, are threatened or extinct and that were portrayed in the lavish colour plates in John Gould’s 1863 publication, The Mammals of Australia. Each animal ‘opener spread’ begins with a Gould plate accompanied by ‘At a Glance’—a very short summary; the conservation status according to the EPBC (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation) list, the species names, a map of its former and current distribution and sites of reintroduction; and a timeline of the species history since European colonisation. Accompanying the pictures are accounts of the animals as they lived in the relatively untouched Australia that John Gould knew, and evidence of the attitudes of European settlers towards the native fauna. The author provides the reader with fascinating, and often poignant, material and stories of what would be considered today as shameful behaviour and attitudes towards Australia’s native fauna. In this book are not only sobering stories of the fate of these animals after Gould’s time, but also success stories of reintroducing species to places, ridding areas of introduced pests, and preserving habitat.
Australia's Vanishing Mammals: Endangered and Extinct Native Species
The chicks were striped and left the nest two to three days after hatching ... apparently a keen observer of the bird. Cooper offered the following information: During their time on King Island, Baudin and Péron shared the island with ...
INTRODUCTION John Gould (1804–1881),the Bird Man, published The Birds ofAustralia: In Seven Volumes in 1848. ... This book illustrates the 59 most endangered birds featured in Gould's eight volumes of Australian birds.
Extinct features artworks from Sue Anderson, Brook Garru Andrew, Andrew Baines, Elizabeth Banfield, Sally Bourke, Jacob Boylan, Nadine Christensen, Simon Collins, Lottie Consalvo, Henry Curchod, Sarah Faulkner, Dianne Fogwell, David Frazer, ...
Peter Menkhorst and Edward Ryan, C.H. McLennan ('Mallee Bird') and His Aboriginal Informant Jowley: The Source of Early Records of the ... Dorian Moro and Isobel McAulay, A Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Barrow Island, Chevron, ...
Bryant, Nick. The Rise and Fall of Australia: How a Great Nation Lost Its Way. North Sydney: Random House Australia, 2014. Clark, C. M. H. A History of Australia. 6 vols. Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Press, 1962–88.
2002, 2006a; Robertson and Arnold 2009; Allen et al. 2012; Cagnazzi et al. 2013a). Additional confirmed vagrant records extend the known range of this species in Queensland south to the Brisbane River (Paterson et al.
Jurassic Park meets The Sixth Extinction in Rise of the Necrofauna, a provocative look at de-extinction from acclaimed documentarist and science writer Britt Wray.
This completely updated edition gives the latest listings on conservation status for all known Australian amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.