In 1980 the members of the Pacific Circle Consortium (Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Japan, and Canada) considered a proposal from the Tasmanian Education Department for a project to develop a curriculum framework and teaching materials about the Antarctic. The outcome was the Antarctic Project conducted jointly by Australia and New Zealand with participation from Tasmania and the Curriculum Development Center of Canberra, Australia. This document provides background on the Antarctic Project and development of the materials, explaining the Project's "resource-led" approach and its conceptual base. A resource-led approach implies that the materials are not a course of study, but are designed to be capable of incorporation into classroom situations and to stimulate students interest and awareness of the Antarctic. Among the concepts that occur throughout the materials are challenge, survival, and dependence. The materials developed under the Antarctic Project are discussed in detail and include both teacher materials such as "Antarctica: Discovery & Exploration" and student materials such as "The Adventures of Salik the Husky." Practical suggestions for classroom approaches to teaching about the Antarctic are given including sections on preparatory learning and examples of three approaches: a cross-curricular approach for younger learners, a 2- to 4-week modular approach for middle grades, and an approach for secondary students involving teaching the materials within a social sciences curriculum or as a unified short course. A copy of the Antarctic Treaty, a bibliography and resource list, including films and other visuals, and a simple outline map of Antarctica that can be reproduced for classroom use also are included. Numerous photographs illustrate the text. (DB)
Early explorers - Mawson - Shackleton - Amundsen - International treaties for control of the area - Antarctic Treaty System - Geology - Ice sheets - Climate - Krill and fish - Sea birds and marine animals - Tourism - Protecting the ...
Hales,S.,P.Weinstein,and A.Woodward.1996.“Dengue Fever Epidemics in the South Pacific:Driven by El Nino Southern Oscillation?”Lancet 348. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2000. The Regional Impacts of Climate Change: An ...
Plays for Public Places: Gum & Goo, Wesley, Scott of the Antarctic
Costas Meghir and David Phillips suggest that for most married women – other than those with pre-school children–itwould takea 20% increase inthehourly ratetoincrease workedhoursby1 hourperweek.Meghir,CostasandDavidPhillips ...
Charles Wilkes , an American who explored the coast of Antarctica in 1840 . Closer and Closer Over the next 50 years , there was more activity around Antarctica . Whaling boats swarmed around the icy seas . Men who made their living ...
Allen, his neice Karen and her husband Jeff travel to the Antarctic.
Finding Antarctica: Mapping the Last Continent
Novel dealing with an ill-fated Antarctic expedition.
It follows the adventures of the narrator and his journey from the Kerguelen Islands onboard the Halbrane.The story is set in 1839.