This report locates the philosophical origins of a cooperative education model in the vocational ethos of the former Northern Rivers College of Advanced Education and shows how the retention of the erstwhile binary system of universities ...
Integration: Experiential Learning for Co-operative Education Students
Co-operative Education Procedures Manual
Employment Readiness Training Program for Co-operative Education Students
Strategies for Implementing Work Experience Programs
Designing for Success: A Guide for Planning Experiential Learning Programs
This document was produced by the authors based on their research for the report "Pathways from Rural Schools: Does School VET Make a Difference?" [ED495178], and is an added resource for further information.
The Co-op Bridge
The Integration of Work and Learning in New Zealand: A Working Paper
Leading the Cooperative School
Problem and process in human development . Cambridge : Harvard University Press . - ( 1983 ) . A neo - Piagetian approach to object relations . In B. Lee & G. G. Noam , Eds . , Developmental approaches to the self , ( pp . 267–308 ) .