Facing the Tiger: A Survivorship Guide for Men with Prostate Cancer and their Partners (US Edition)

Facing the Tiger: A Survivorship Guide for Men with Prostate Cancer and their Partners (US Edition)
Facing the Tiger
Australian Academic Press
Suzanne Chambers AO


It’s tough living with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. While the disease has one of the highest survival rates of any cancer, the side effects of treatment can be life-long and take a heavy toll on men’s mental health. Of the more than 3 million men currently living in the US with the aftermath of a diagnosis, many will experience anxiety and depression, sometimes long-term. Poorer mental health is associated with poorer treatment outcomes and lower quality of life. Not all men with prostate cancer will seek help with their mental wellbeing. For those who know them and love them – life is often never the same after a diagnosis of prostate cancer.978-0-6452695-1-2 This book is written by one of the world’s foremost experts in the psychology of cancer to help men with prostate cancer and their wives and partners maintain their mental wellbeing as they move through treatment, tackling the many challenges that come with a diagnosis. It is a vital support step between the short, scary handouts full of statistics and bullet points available to men after diagnosis and the need for therapy when things get too tough to handle alone. Using evidence-based science and the lived experience of those who have traveled the path before, this book gives practical strategies to manage stress and anxiety, improve health and wellbeing, make difficult decisions, seek support, and find a sense of ease about the situation in which you find yourself. While your experience of prostate cancer is uniquely your own, Facing the Tiger reveals the wisdom of others who have already walked the path.

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