This 'free access to the past' has become one of the most important public events in the French calendar. In September 2007, there were about twelve million visitors during Heritage Days, many more than those attending the Christmas ...
Ranging across different countries and cultural domains (museums, opera, literature, history-writing), this collection explores the romantic-historicist complexities at the root of the modern nation-state: how the past became both ...
This book provides the first in-depth exploration of video games as history. Chapman puts forth five basic categories of analysis for understanding historical video games: simulation and epistemology, time, space, narrative, and affordance.
Healing imbalances in our family patterns is crucial to health and wellbeing. In this book international healer David Furlong explains the relevance of our ancestors to the healing process.
Restaging the Past is the first edited collection devoted to the study of historical pageants in Britain, ranging from their Edwardian origins to the present day.
This book continues an interdisciplinary conversation on game development and play, working towards a better understanding of how we represent and experience the past in the present.
You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.” And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, “Master, you delivered to me two talents; here I have made two talents more.
Reduce operating and maintenance costs while substantially improving the performance of new and existing data warehouses and data marts Data Warehouse Performance This book tells you what you...
Pratt, Mary Louise, 'Transculturation and Autoethnography: Peru 1625/1980' in Francis Barker, Peter Hulme and Margaret Iversen (eds), Colonial Discourse/Postcolonial Theory (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1994).
The nine essays in this volume discuss post-conflict landscapes as contested spaces imbued with memory-work conveying differing interpretations of the recent past, expressed through material (even, monumental) objects, ritual performances, ...