Adrian Cunningham's paper, 'Enabling seamless online access to government', discusses the development of AGLS and outlines its relationship to Dublin Core, which AGLS extends. He then goes on to outline the relationship of the AGLS ...
This is an easily accessible manual to learn meditation and incorporate spiritual principles into todays very busy world.
Taking a Twenty-First Century Reading Alan Rathe. Furthermore, as the “later” Morgenthaler points out, no matter what disclaimers are made, the dual-service setup inevitably causes confusion by blurring the lines between authentic ...
The development of seeker-friendly and user-friendly churches is an important concern, but efforts to focus only on seeker-friendly services and not on methods to transform seekers into disciples ...
... Disney , and other customer - sensitive companies as models for the twenty - first - century church . In order to offer the services that attract seekers , many church growth consultants advise pastors to build big churches .
When the UU Women's Federation (UUWF) commissioned Elizabeth Fisher to write a new adult religious education program on ... In 1995, the same year that the UUWF published Fisher's curriculum Rise Up and Call Her Name, the UU minister ...
Carson, D. A., Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church: Understanding a Movement and Its Implications, Grand Rapids MI: Zondervan, 2005. Celtic Missal, ET and rubrication by Kristopher G. Dowling, Akron OH: Ascension Western Rite ...
The first category covers mainly core infrastructural components: State Wide Area Network (SWAN), ... Delivery Gateway—acts a messaging middleware providing intelligent routing services from a Service Seeker to a Service Provider.
Other evangelicals see the problem as a mismatch between outdated methods and twenty-first-century audiences; hell houses, the Creation Museum, and seeker-sensitive services each strive in part to repackage the good news in slick, ...
... in their faith and church hopping because pastors are not addressing what is right and wrong about human nature, preferring to offer 'seeker friendly services' that offend no one by appealing to the good side in all of us.