Money gives you choices. The more money you have, the more freedom you generally have. Whether you choose to spend your money on material possessions, use it to spend more time with your family or give it away to charitable causes, would you like to learn how you can generate more from your current income and time? The Effortless Empire explains how you can use your high income to create more passive wealth to a point where you could even completely replace your current income. The ultimate aim is to give you more freedom and choice so that you can decide whether you want to continue working or not. Chris Gray discloses some vital tips on making the most of your income, how to build a property investing strategy, making rational financial decisions, how to self-sustain your property and reasons why you need to build a professional team of advisors to implement your strategy.
... How These Activities Help You Success in the world of work depends a good deal on people's attitudes . ... Consider Todd's attitude toward other people ...
We thought they must be exaggerating because we knew that Mrs. Casey had just received an important promotion , and together the couple earned a lot of money . Yet , when we visited them , their house was virtually bare .
Karen Hall, Mary Jo Dolasinski Anna Graf Williams. Banks and Credit Unions Many people choose to put their money in a bank or credit union for safety and to save their money . Banks are businesses that will hold , invest , or loan you ...
Personal Finance, 8th Ed
Focus on Personal Finance: An Active Approach to Help You Develop Successful Financial Skills
This #1 market-leading Personal Finance text provides comprehensive coverage of personal financial planning in the areas of money management, career planning, taxes, consumer credit, housing and other consumer decisions, legal protection, ...
This #1 market-leading Personal Finance text provides comprehensive coverage of personal financial planning in the areas of money management, career planning, taxes, consumer credit, housing and other consumer decisions, legal protection, ...
The seventh edition of Focus on Personal Finance contains new and updated boxed features, exhibits and tables, articles, and end-of-chapter material.
This 4-color, paperback text is designed and written to appeal to a range of ages, life situations, and levels of financial literacy. A unique aspect of this text is its active approach.
Telecourse Student Guide for Dollar$ & Sense: Personal Finance ...for the 21st Century