In a speech to West Point graduates delivered on 1 June 2002, President Bush outlined the country's new commitment to pre-emptive war: 'the war on terror will not be won on the defensive. We must take the battle to the enemy, ...
Presents previously untranslated texts by the influential philosopher and French Communist Party intellectual, including his critique of Levi-Strauss's structuralism, his theory of discourse and its relationship to psychoanalysis, writings ...
The Yugoslav Search for Man: Marxist Humanism in Contemporary Yugoslavia
Women and the American Left: A Guide to Sources
Carlton Carey and his wife, Mildred Banks, we to police an know, however, that there were moles within their dissenter circle who reported back to Hulon. When the couple got home, they were attacked by men wearing ski masks.
In the first legal history of this federal trial, Dean Strang shows how the case laid the groundwork for a fundamentally different strategy to stifle radical threats, and had a major role in shaping the modern Justice Department.
Foremost the authors want to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Robert W. Coakley and Dr. Paul J. Scheips, formerly of the U.S. ... and Arthur S. Hardyman; the late Rae Todd Panella edited the book, Barbara Harris Gilbert copy edited, ...
The essays in this volume deal with various aspects of the history of the revolutionary socialist current in United States that came to be identified as "American Trotskyism. " One...
Between Utopia and Dystopia offers a new interpretation of Erasmian humanism.
Media, Ideology and Hegemony provides what Raymond Williams once called the “extra edge of consciousness” that is absolutely essential to create, both on and offline, a better, more open, more equitable, and more democratic world.