Teach Yourself Bach Flower Remedies is an authoritative manual for readers hoping to gain an understanding of this popular New Age therapy, which employs plant essences to deliver control and balance to one's emotions. Author Stephan Ball, a co-principal at the Edward Bach Foundation, leads readers through a practical course in remedy selection and provides full descriptions for all available remedies.
Little Book of Flowers
Flores de jardín: manual de cultivo y conservación
An introduction to the study of flowers and flowering plants. Includes study questions, activities, and experiments.
This little book is a treasure trove of flowery facts, folklore and floral things to do.
Almost all children are fascinated by living things. This volume is designed to help them gain a greater appreciation of the flowers around them.
An illustrated introduction to wild flowers, including a guide to identifying different species, step-by-step instructions for flower activities such as growing flowers from seed.
This series focuses on an in-depth exploration of each subject, incuding habitats and conservation, to provide a deeper understanding of the natural world. 10 yrs+
Should a bush become too large for its site , it is better to prune back the shrubs around it . Propagate by half - ripe side ... It reaches a height of 2.5m ( 8ft ) and suckers freely by underground stems . The young shoots have purple ...
... see Erica Darley see E. x darleyensis Irish see Daboecia cantabrica spring see E. carnea Heather see Calluna vulgaris ... Erodium pelargoniiflorum Heuchera ' Red Spangles ' 117 x Heucherella alba “ Bridget Bloom ' 118 Hibiscus 266-8 ...
Flowers look like pretty decorations. Did you know that they also have an important job? Flowers make seeds. Inside each seed is a tiny new plant. Using hands on activities, young readers will be introduced to the amazing world of flowers.