Abstract: A reference booklet for nutritionists and nutrition educators provides tabulated data on the nutrient content of a wide variety of common foods. Information is provided on the content of water, energy, protein, carbohydrate, fat, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, 4 minerals (Ca, Fe, Na, K), 6 vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, ascorbic acid, vitamin A), and, where available, dietary fiber. The foods are listed under various sub-food headings arranged under major food categories (milk, cheese, cream, and related products; eggs; meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, and related products; lentils, nuts, and seeds; vegetables and related products; fruits and related products; bread, cereals, and related products; combination dishes, fats and oils; sugars and sweets; and miscellaneous food items (beverages, condiments, sauces, soups)). The nutrient contents are relevant to specified food portion sizes.
"Update to the 1999 version. In this version, the emphasis has been placed on mixed dishes rather than individual ingredients. Detailed ingredient information is available on the CNF web site .
Provides a comprehensive and detailed source of food nutrition information
Nutritive Value of Foods
The text also looks into the future by defining current bottlenecks and future research goals. This work will serve as a ready reference for the subject matter to students and researchers alike.
Englberger L , W Aalbersberg , P Ravi , E Bonnin , GC Marks , MH Fitzgerald , J Elymore . Further analyses of Micronesian banana , taro , breadfruit , and other foods for provitamin A carotenoids and minerals .
The Encyclopedia of Foods: A Guide to Healthy Nutrition is a definitive resource for what to eat for maximum health as detailed by medical and nutritional experts. This book makes the connection between health, disease, and the food we eat.
The volume explains what protein, fiber, cholesterol, and fats are and what foods contain them, and tells readers how to reduce their risk of chronic disease by modifying the types of food they eat.
This publication groups 66 traditional aboriginal and common foods by the nutrients they contain.
Nutritive Value of Foods
Dramatic changes in the attitudes toward human nutrition have taken place dur ing the past decade. Food-related and medical professionals as well as consumers are now, more than ever before,...