This volume is a compilation of current research papers on the aquatic ecosystem of the Miramichi River in New Brunswick. The papers are organized in four sections: historical overview, the physical environment, the biological environment, and evaluating human impacts. Specific topics of the papers include the estuarine structure of the river, hydrology of the drainage basin, plankton, diadromous fish, estuary sediments, forestry impacts, and biological indicators. The volume also includes a summary and selected abstracts from the Miramichi Environmental Science Workshop held in Newcastle in 1994.
This book celebrates the 15-year anniversary of Oxford University’s MSc course in Water Science, Policy and Management.
Positioned to become the foremost text on water resource issues, this companion to Hornberger's widely regarded Elements of Physical Hydrology reveals the enormity of the water crisis facing the planet while offering realistic hope.
The involvement of stakeholders in both the development and public consultation of RBMPs is seen as vital to the successful implementation of the objectives of the WFD. Public involvement is one of the core principles of the WFD.
nonaccount public interest of preservation and maintenance of this resource. Such behavior results in early resource depletion. common-pool resource (CPR). They are subtractable, orrivalrous, and non-excludable goods, In this chapter, ...
It is their joint efforts and hard work that help to enable the serial reports to be published for the public within only one year. To precisely predict the future is extremely challenging. This strategic research covered a wide range ...
Parts I and II National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Water Science and Technology Board, ... members of appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public.
Zietz B, Dieter HH, Lakomek M, Schneider H, KesslerGaedtke B, Dunkelberg H. Epidemiological investigation on chronic copper toxicity to children exposed via the public drinking water supply. Science of the Total Environment.
Building on the third edition, this text applies the latest data and research in the field and addresses water contamination as a growing problem.
A Research Agenda National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Committee on the Science of Science Communication: A Research Agenda. The National Academy of ...
A New Paradigm for the National Water-Use Information Program National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life ... members of appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public.