The seventh edition of the Canadian Immunization Guide was developed by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), with the support ofthe Immunization and Respiratory Infections Division, Public Health Agency of Canada, to provide updated information and recommendations on the use of vaccines in Canada. The Public Health Agency of Canada conducted a survey in 2004, which confi rmed that the Canadian Immunization Guide is a very useful and reliable resource of information on immunization.
Supplemental Statement - Recombinant Influenza Vaccines: Canadian Immunization Guide Chapter on Influenza and Statement on Seasonal Influenza Vaccine for 2022-2023
Primary Care Management of Hepatitis B: Quick Reference
For more news and specials on immunization and vaccines visit the Pink Book's Facebook fan page
Your Child's Best Shot: A Parent's Guide to Vaccination
THE ESSENTIAL WORK IN TRAVEL MEDICINE -- NOW COMPLETELY UPDATED FOR 2018 As unprecedented numbers of travelers cross international borders each day, the need for up-to-date, practical information about the health challenges posed by travel ...
"The AAP's authoritative guide to the manifestations, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of more than 200 childhood conditions." -- Provided by publisher.
The ultimate guide for anyone wondering how President Joe Biden will respond to the COVID-19 pandemic—all his plans, goals, and executive orders in response to the coronavirus crisis.
TRAVELING. SAFELY. WITH. INFANTS. &. CHILDREN. Michelle S. Weinberg, Nicholas Weinberg, Susan A. Maloney ... In 2016, an estimated 2.81 million international travelers from the United States were children or adults traveling with ...
The new WHO guidelines provide recommended steps for safe phlebotomy and reiterate accepted principles for drawing, collecting blood and transporting blood to laboratories/blood banks.
Indeed vaccines have been blamed for causing asthma, autism, diabetes, and many other conditions most of which have causes that are incompletely understood. Do Vaccines Cause That?