'The physical, chemical and biological properties of aquatic ecosystems in the Western Canadian Arctic and Subarctic are rapidly changing. The anthropogenic build-up of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and the consequent increase of ocean absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) are causing ocean warming and acidification respectively. We need to provide high resolution model projections for these aquatic ecosystems to help inform resource managers and subsistence harvesters about the potential impacts of climate change and ocean acidification. Accurate projections with this level of complexity require linkages between high-resolution, basin-scale, ocean-ecosystem models and species-distribution models. To include multiple biological processes into these model platforms, the physiological limits and acclimation potential of key aquatic ectotherm species must be quantified. To address some of these needs we have created an ongoing Physiological Limits Database of Arctic/Subarctic species, which is based on published studies, fish catch data and Indigenous Knowledge reports'--Abstract, p. iv.
Rev. 23, 191–239. doi:10.1139/er-2014-0066 Steiner, N., Drost, H., and Hunter, K. (2018). A Physiological Limits Database for Arctic and Subarctic Aquatic Species. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3256, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Exploration of the Sea (ICES), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the Arctic Council) to enhance the knowledge on these issues.167 In ... Monitoring Chemical Aspects of Ocean Acidification: ibid 98, para 1.5.
To date, fisheries literature has suggested three approaches to this problem: 1 . the use of regionally specific climate projci tions that can be coupled directly to knowledge of the physiological limits of the species; ...
This novel volume summarises the latest research in the physiological and ecological responses of marine species to a comprehensive range of marine stressors, including chemical and noise pollution, ocean acidification, hypoxia, UV ...
Species Hb gl−1 Hct % RBC1012 l−1 MCVafl MCHbpg MCHCc gl−1 Habitat Goat (Capra) 104 29 16.1 18 6.5 356 Terrestrial Opossum (Didelphis) 110 34 4.32 81 25.5 324 Terrestrial Mouse deer (Tragulus) 117 31 55.9 6 2.1 380 Terrestrial ...
Government Research Directory
Highlights newest design and construction techniques giving guidance on such topics as ice forces on structures, snow and icing problems, earthworks and foundation construction in permafrost, special design considerations for...
This book provides an overview of the ecology of high latitude lakes, rivers and glacial environments in both the North and South polar regions.
These reviews and the presenters’ conference abstracts are compiled here. Thus, this book discusses highly topical fields of marine research and aims to act as a source of knowledge and inspiration for further reading and research.
Research institutes, foundations, centers, bureaus, laboratories, experiment stations, and other similar nonprofit facilities, organizations, and activities in the United States and Canada. Entry gives identifying and descriptive information of staff...