Statistics Canada has undertaken a broad range of initiatives designed to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians. This update extends earlier, experimental research into monthly family income trends of Canadians over the pandemic period. The approach integrates weekly earnings available from the Canadian Labour Force Survey (LFS) together with information specific to government transfers including special COVID-19 benefits collected through administrative data sources and imputation. This update incorporates additional sources of data, and accounts for new pandemic relief programs introduced after September 2020. Population coverage is improved, and experimental estimates are updated and extended through December 2020. The paper describes the data sources used, estimation strategies employed, limitations, and potential future developments.
A New Virus Has Arrived
In partnership with Whakaue Research, Te Rau Ora gathered the kōrero of Māori leaders and communities throughout Aotearoa about their experiences and responses to COVID-19.
"At the time of writing, the world is in the grip of the COVID-19 epidemic.
After a century of innovation and global domination in chemical-based photography, Kodak lost the consumer photo market to digital cameras and cell phones.
While some people adjusted to working from home or took an unexpected break from business as usual, Anne Chase got to work on a new kind of project: documenting Nelson's public artworks.
This book is a response to the loss of learning experienced by children and young people during the Covid-19 crisis.
Skye is nervous about going back to school. So many changes and new rules. Skye has a lot of questions. Why do I have to wear a mask all the time? Why can't I sit next to my friends? Why do I have to wash my hands so much? -- Amazon.
Coronakratie: Demokratisches Regieren in Ausnahmezeiten
"The authors report on a system-wide survey of teachers in NSW public schools, undertaken during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia.
本书的内容涉及新冠状病毒的影响,应对措施,危机管理,形势判断,政策动态,振兴策略和国际借鉴等诸多方面,可以说既有对当前形势的精辟分析和评价 ...