Contrary to those who reject the Harry Potter books as a threat to Christian faith, Neal demonstrates how the lessons in these books reinforce the central messages of the Bible.
The best-selling book series of all time and the best-selling book of all time—do they have anything in common?
To help Haley and Taylor understand why, we used a story from the Chronicles of Narnia to illustrate. In T/Je but Battle, there's an “idofi named Tash. Some foolish leaders—who don't really believe Tash exists—pretend to believe in him ...
The scope and tragedy of the thing : the structure of the series -- More things in heaven and earth : going beyond the normal -- As if a man were author of himself : good against evil -- Be absolute for death : life and death -- Power is ...
"Looking for God in Harry Potter" is a must-read for: Every Harry Potter fan who wants to know what's behind J. K. Rowling's inspiration and imagination Parents whose children are reading the Harry Potter books and who want to know more ...
A noted Presbyterian minister defends the Harry Potter series from conservatives who denounce the books as paganism, demonstrating how they promote the values of faith and morality, and profiling the main character as a Christ figure who ...
In One Fine Potion Garrett examines the textual intricacies of the Harry Potter narrative and argues that its author earns her rightful place next to C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and other literary giants of old.
Re-readers will be pleasantly surprised at what they may have missed in the books and at what secrets Rowling has hidden for us to uncover as we revisit these stories.
As Christians and Harry Potter fanatics, we have the luxury of knowing the rest of these stories. Easter morning would not be possible if not for Good Friday; the Battle of Hogwarts could not have been won if Harry hadn't emerged from ...
Studying Harry Potter at Yale University? To learn about Christian theology? But it happened 'God and Harry Potter at Yale' is the story of the controversial course, 'Harry Potter and Christian Theology, ' its teacher, the Rev.
... The Chronicles of Narnia and George Lucas for creating the Star Wars movies. These stories have been priceless in en- riching my life and my children's childhood (not to mention Taylor's eighth birthday party, which was the greatest ...