Worship--the central task of the Christian community--is the focus of this thought-provoking book. William Willimon moves from theological understanding to the practical skills needed for preaching and worship leadership. He offers useful guidelines for conducting public prayer and for celebrating the Lord's Supper and Baptism. Focusing on preaching, he describes how to construct a sermon, deliver it convincingly, and evaluate it. He concludes with valuable suggestions for involving the laity in worship.
A Guide to Preaching and Leading Worship
Thoroughly based in Scripture and filled with practical guidance, this book connects Sunday worship to the rest of our lives—helping us live as true worshipers each and every day.
Peter Bush and Christine O'Reilly draw on their passion and experience equipping lay people to plan and lead worship to answer the question, what makes for effective worship
For the Church as a whole? On Worship casts a vision for the biblical principles and practices of worship. Pastors and other church leaders will learn what the Bible teaches about worship and why it is so important to get this topic right.
So, this book is worth at least a cursory glance from those who want their preaching ministry (or any other type of public speaking) to be effective – as well as, perhaps, to be memorable, popular and successful. *If you’re a Baptist, ...
This is what pastors reach for when planning worship services, including baptisms, weddings, funerals, and the Lord's Supper. Over 200 articles by well-known ministry leaders.
The need for this is seen in the fact that from one-half to two-thirds of Protestant churches in the United States are small (fewer than two hundred members).
Beyond sound equipment and music charts, eleven noted worship leaders from around the United States write about the ministerial part of their work as it relates to the gospel, mission, disciple-making, liturgy, the Trinity, justice, ...
" Praise for Lay Preaching Basics "This is a guide to leading worship that experienced lay preachers, as well as those just beginning, will find useful, inspirational and easy to read.
And he has learned to want nothing to do with it. In this book, Miller exhorts his fellow worship leaders to make Jesus the center of all their efforts. He teaches how to do this with Scripture, teaching, prayer, story, and song.