In this book, William Barclay addresses the end time passages from the New Testament to help inquirers better understand and appreciate their place in scripture. In characteristically lucid prose, Barclay engages each verse of pertinent scripture to both challenge and comfort the reader. The William Barclay Library is a collection of books addressing the great issues of the Christian faith. As one of the world's most widely read interpreters of the Bible and its meaning, William Barclay devoted his life to helping people become more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
Organizing end-time events in easy-to-understand chronological order, this resource makes clear the patterns and parallels mentioned throughout the Bible relating to the second coming of Jesus. (Christian)
The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions.
But every puzzle can be solved if you approach it the right way. Paul Benware compares prophecy to a picture puzzle. Putting the edge pieces together first builds the 'framework' that makes it easier to fit the other pieces in their place.
Join author Robert Johnston as he cuts through the confusion and provides practical, simple answers to common questions. [ What must take place in our world before Jesus' return? [ When will the Antichrist appear on the world stage? [ What ...
The End Times. The Day of Judgment. The Antichrist. These and other fascinating topics are the subject of the book, The Last Trumpet: A Comparative Study in Christian-Islamic Eschatology.
The Footsteps of the Messiah: A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events
Are you willing to momentarily set aside your view of the rapture and try to interpret scripture from a different perspective?
But until Things To Come was published, the treatment of biblical prophecy had been mainly either apologetic or expository, with prophetic themes being developed individually, apart from their relation to the whole revealed prophetic ...
Most people are aware there are many conflicting conclusions and teachings circulating regarding the book of Revelation.
"Will Revelation's seven trumpets sound again?"--Cover.