Nous nageons dans le lac . Les toilettes sont propres . On nous donne de la bonne nourriture . Nous faisons des activités intéressantes . Nous mangeons beaucoup . Le directeur est sympathique . Mes amis me taquinent souvent .
The French Review
Books in Print
Paperbound Books in Print
Books in Print Supplement
El-Hi Textbooks & Serials in Print, 2003: Including Related Teaching Materials K-12
Élaboration d'une typologie des activités de simulation d'échanges interpersonnels en pédagogie des langues secondes ou étrangères
This volume represents the first collection of papers by leading experts in the field investigating topics that go beyond the analysis of simple clauses.
"Now there is another excellent resource for those academicians seeking to nurture writing across the curriculum programs on their campuses: Susan H. McLeod and Margot Soven's detailed guide Writing Across...
This account of language acquisition in a multilingual context explains how hybrid grammars develop and can result in language change.
This book examines human rights as political battlefields, spaces that are undergoing constant changes in which political conflicts are expressed by a translation process within networks of interactions.