Eric J. Solberg. 37 stocks is the present value of the stream of profits ... A third alternative is proposed by Richard Cyert and James March , building on the work of Herbert Simon . They propose that managers strive for " satisfactory ...
Microeconomics for Business Decisions: ECON1001
Instructor's Manual for Microeconomics for Business Decisions
This wider theoretical coverage enables a broader range of practical topics to be addressed, including policy implications of consumer decision processes, and the economics of corporate strategy.Key features of this book include:* Worked ...
The book has enjoyed success in part because of its mid-level of rigour. This edition also features a stronger emphasis on international perspectives and updated examples from today's high-tech economy.
Economic Analysis for Business Decisions (from Bernheim & Whinston's Microeconomics): Course Number 15.010/011/0111
Demand analysis; Business forecasting: scope and techniques; Business forecasting: markets share and evaluation; Demand analysis; Empirical demand functions; Cost analysis; Pricing; Financial management and control; Expansion and other decisions.
What this text offers, and most competing books do not is the breadth of coverage. In this revised edition we have integration into the topics of advances in behavioural, evolutionary and Austrian economics.
Microeconomics examines the economic behaviour of individual people and individual firms. Sounds pretty straightforward, but it can get complicated in a hurry. Turn to this book and watch everything become understandable!
Numerous case studies and solved problems are included throughout the book to highlight the application of important principles.
This text addresses the core of a subject commonly called managerial economics, which is the application of microeconomics to business decisions.