Draws on interviews with former operatives and on government documents to present a highly positive account of the controversial rural pacification program from its inception in 1967 to the departure of its American advisors and collapse of the program in 1973. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
The statistician Duffy succinctly points out a simple but major problem: The Ledermann proposition, however formulated, is false, not only on account of shortcomings in parameter estimation and data sets adduced in support, etc., ...
This book examines this deadly social issue through these case studies highlighting 13 different countries from around the world.
"Arguing that the underground drug culture had origins other than in federal prohibition, he concludes with some thoughts on what our early experience with legalization and prohibition can tell us as we face questions about drug policy ...
In the United States , in the intensive study of illegal drug users in Florida referenced before , gender differences for current and lifetime drug use were slight ( Inciardi et al 1993 : 81 ) . Similarly , ethnic and age differences ...
Empirical foundations of family-based approaches to adolescent substance abuse. In T. Glynn, C. Leukefeld, & J. Ludford (Eds.), Preventing adolescent drug abuse: Intervention strategies. NIDA Research Monograph 47. Bryant, H., Bernton ...
囤积是一种很常见的现象,我们每个人某种程度上都是囤积者——总是在不断获取物品,却很少丢弃它们。但当这些囤积起来的物品开始打乱你的生活,将你的起居空间搞得一团糟, ...
Fidler , W. , Michell , L. , Raab , G. and Charlton , A. ( 1992 ) . Smoking : a special need ? British Journal of Addiction , 87 , 1583–1591 . Finney , J.W. and Monahan , S.C. ( 1996 ) . The cost - effectiveness of treatment for ...
Maguire wrote Temperance Landmarks: A Narrative of the Work and the Workers (1880) and many polemical discourses and pamphlets. Maguire took the pledge in November 1860 only after a crisis of conscience:Earlier he had “regard[ed] the ...
Rich traditions of group therapy permeate the substance misuse field - from residential and day-centre group programmes and the fellowship group tradition to the panoply of support/education and relapse prevention...
The troubled-teen industry, with its scaremongering and claims of miraculous changes in behavior through harsh discipline, has existed in one form or another for decades, despite a dearth of evidence...