Eminent among introductory chemistry texts for its clear, accessible writing and solid problem sets, General Chemistry, Tenth Edition, has been thoroughly updated in content, rewritten in a more inviting style, and supplemented by another text option: Essentials of General Chemistry.
General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis
Lecture Outline to Accompany General Chemistry and General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis
A thorough revision of this successful problem book, providing a clear, concise, and careful presentation of simple and direct methods for solving numerical problems that illustrate chemical principles . . . using dimensional analysis ...
Complete solutions for General chemistry and General chemistry with qualitative analysis, ninthe editions, by Holtzclaw, Robinson, and Odom
Parallel in style and sequence to Robinson et al's General Chemistry, Essentials of General Chemistry, and General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis, 10/e, this manual emphasizes the use of descriptive chemistry and encourages students to ...
The new edition of this best-selling text is summarized by "classic text, modern presentation.
For full description, see entry, Robinson et al., "General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis."
Problem Solving in General Chemistry
Integrates descriptive chemistry with chemical principles to allow students to learn difficult concepts. The chapter on qualitative analysis deals with all the major types of reactions encountered in chemistry.