Weave seen the pictures and heard their names. But the staggering number of September 11, 2001 terror attack victims overwhelms the individual stories of the men and women who left home that morning never to return. And with this deeply moving tribute, Diane Schoemperlen both bestows individuality to each and connects us all. As she says in her preface, aThere is an immediate recognition in the power of naming.a
A tapestry of every name and a narrative of events crafted with a novelistas keen observational eye, the story of this day of loss becomes a celebration of life. Accompanying the names of the victims is an imaginative framework of fragments based on factsarelationships, hobbies, hopes for the future, the textures and basic endeavors of human life. Written in spellbinding prose, "Names of the Dead" is at once a work of literary art and a haunting elegy that captures the magnitude of an unforgettable event.
他覺得這樣不斷改變、重新布置,可能是為了住客著想,讓他們的日常運動更有意思。他也沒提到有時候他在遠處看到一個女人,以為是菲歐娜,但後來看到那女人身上穿的衣服,覺得不可能是她。菲歐娜幾時穿過亮色系花朵上衣或亮藍色的休閒褲了?一天周六,他望向窗外, ...
作者简介 C.S.刘易斯,英国20世纪著名的文学家,学者,杰出的批评家,也是公认的二十世纪最重要的基督教作者之一。他毕生研究文学、哲学、神学,尤其对中古及文艺复兴时期的 ...
「所有的孩子,除了一個以外,慢慢的都會長大。」 「彼得潘伸出雙手,對著正在作夢或正夢到永無島的孩子說,如果你相信仙子的存在,請拍拍手。……拍手聲從各地傳來。」 ...
حسناء الصخور الصفر: الحكايات الشعبية لقبيلة زوني
مبتلع السحاب العملاق: الحكايات الشعبية لقبيلة زوني
Cyrus Hoy, Thomas Dekker Fredson Bowers. but this identification is by no means regarded as certain , ' Hand C is that of a theatrical scribe , Hand D has been attributed to Shakespeare , 3 Hand E has been identified as Dekker's.4 ...
Poems and Stories, by Bret Harte; Selected and Edited for Schools and Colleges with an Introducion by Charles Swain Thomas.
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