With special reference to Assam, India.
... central zone rising to a height of about 9000 feet and being interspersed by deep gorges , valleys and areas of high altitude extending to the snow ranges of the Eastern Himalayas , leaving hardly any level ground for cultivation .
Collected short stories, short novels, poems, and articles on literature and culture of Assam, India, republished from Rāmadhenu, ceased Assamese journal, published from Guwahati, India; selected from issues published between April, 1952 ...
Paradise and Back: A Damfool Career
This work deals with those areas where the Raiyatwari system of land prevailed.As in rest of the country after independence the congress Party was at the helm of affairs in Assam and the land reforms in the State were based more or less on ...
A wonderful adventure story, To the Elephant Graveyard is also a telling fable of man's failure to understand and respect his environment and of nature fighting back.
India Against Itself: Assam and the Politics of Nationality