A toddler learns to deal with feelings of extreme anger.
Text and pictures relate situations that sometimes result in such reactions as frustration, anxiety, humiliation, and loss of control.
Little Critter reflects upon the things he will do when he gets bigger, including staying up late, and camping in the backyard.
Summary : This reading scheme provides materials designed to build on and extend the child's oral language, while also allowing the child to become more confident and familiar with the language of books.
Everybody gets angry sometimes. And for children, anger can be very upsetting and frightening. In this Caldecott Honor book, children will see what Sophie does when she gets angry. Parents, teachers, and children can talk about it.
Mandy ties her shoes by herself, but everyone is too busy to notice
Mouse struggles to find the right way to express his anger, modeling the behavior of Hare, Bear, Hedgehog, and Bobcat, only to discover that his own way may be the best way of all.
Little Critter stays with his grandparents for the weekend, where he does chores around the farm, helps his grandmother bake a pie, and visits the fair.
This kid is having a bad day and things just keep getting worse. After talk with his mom, he learns ways he can feel better even when he's down and how to manage his anger.
I Just Forgot
With a focus on identifying the causes of an emotional reaction, and coming up with ways to start feeling calm and happy again, this book explains simple strategies to help kids understand and take care of their emotions.