An accomplished debut, The Flower Boy is the tragically romantic story of people from two cultures, one ruling the other, and the human passions that defy and nearly overcome social taboos.
The Flower Boy is a deeply moving and enchanting novel - a story of love, town secrets and family divisions.
But one day a new girl arrives at school, and Rink discovers she has some unique qualities of her own. Illustrator Steve Adams’ rich, textured artwork gives this tale of individuality bottomless depth and appeal.
This is not meant to be easily digested.
A self-published book of teenage angst. It's mediocre poetry, honestly. A short and easy book, published solely to fulfill the author's dreams.
Jarvis offers a moving tale of friendship, kindness, and acceptance, softly touching on the subjects of illness or hardship in a way that young children can understand. Everyone likes David, the boy with flowers in his hair.
These are the things that I’ve always wanted: To get the top grades in my class. To make my grandmother proud. And most of all, proof that I could succeed where the rest of my family had not: a Stanford acceptance letter, early admission.
A bilingual book in Japanese & English by KEVIN WOODSON and MATTHEW MATSUYAMA.
The Heinemann Plays series offers contemporary drama and classic plays in durable classroom editions.
Peter A. Jackson, “Bangkok's Early Twenty-First-Century Queer Boom,” in Queer Bangkok: 21st Century Markets, Media, and Rights, edited by Peter A. Jackson (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2011), 17–42. 16.