The season's most talked-about all-purpose personal strategy guide and philosophical compendium", said Newsweek of Robert Greene's bold, elegant, and ingenious manual of modern manipulation, The 48 Laws of Power. Now Greene has once again mined history and literature to distill the essence of seduction, the most highly refined mode of influence, the ultimate power trip.
The Art of Seduction is a masterful synthesis of the work of thinkers such as Freud, Ovid, Kierkegaard, and Einstein, as well as the achievements of the greatest seducers throughout history. From Cleopatra to John F. Kennedy, from Andy Warhol to Josephine Bonaparte, The Art of Seduction gets to the heart of the character of the seducer and his or her tactics, triumphs and failures. The seducer's many faces include: the Siren, the Rake, the Ideal Lover, the Dandy, the Natural, the Coquette, the Charmer, and the Charismatic. Twenty-four maneuvers will guide readers through the seduction process, providing cunning, amoral instructions for and analysis of this fascinating, all-pervasive form of power. Just as beautifully packaged and every bit as essential as The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction is an indispensable primer of persuasion and offers the best lessons on how to take what you want from whomever you want or how to prevent yourself from being taken.
本书记录了在美国内华达大学开展的为期10周的文化模拟实验项目,展现了不同群体之间迅速确立文化界限并强烈捍卫自己文化的过程 ...
We are all too ready to ascribe learning problems to an inability to learn and leave it at that. This book should go a long way toward convincing us that using such simpleminded explanations and remedial efforts based on them do not work.
More narrowly focused programs of research by Miner ( 1965 , 1978 ) and by McClelland and his associates ( McClelland , 1975 ; McClelland & Burnham , 1976 ; McClelland & Winter , 1969 ) have made especially significant contributions to ...
Gershuny, B. S., & Thayer, J. F. (1999). Relations among psychological trauma, dissociative phenomena, and trauma-related distress: A review and integration. Clinical Psychology Review, 19(5), 631–657. Gignac, M. A. M., & Cott ...
A long - established source for understanding Roosevelt's presidency is William E. Leuchtenburg's FDR and the New Deal , 1921-1940 ( 1963 ) . Leuchtenburg concludes that Roosevelt presided over a " halfway revolution " in America ...
Psicolog¡a de la salud
提出「五大性格特質」理論的羅伯特·麥克雷( Robert McCrae )與保羅·柯斯塔( Paul Costa )就認性格的變與不變之爭能對牠們進行可靠的測量。但在深受理性影響的「嚴謹型」這個特徵上,檢測的成效不彰,它似乎是人類與黑猩猩才具有的特質。 0 0 b 巴汗後以山 ...
这桩官司成败的关键就是康尼女士能否证明自己是直接被卡车卷入车下,而不是从冰上滑倒后摔入车下的。司机的代理律师马格雷显然是个老手,他专注这个关键漏洞,搜集了各种有利证据,推翻了当时几名目击者的证词,康妮女士因此被法院判定败诉。康妮女士不服, ...
性格是与每个人密切相关的心理特质,它影响着我们的思想、行为甚至是人生轨迹。不过,很少有人能够真正理解自己的性格,更不用说发掘出自己性格中的闪光点,活出一个大写的 ...