Political Philosophy Salinger — Catcher in the Rye Salinger — Franny & Zooey/9 Storys Sartre — No Exit/Flies Scott — Ivanhoe/Others Shakespeare — Antony & Cleopatra Shakespeare — As You Like It Shakespeare — Hamlet Shakespeare — Henry ...
Originally published between 1909 and 1917 under the name "Harvard Classics," this stupendous 51-volume set-a collection of the greatest writings from literature, philosophy, history, and mythology-was assembled by American academic CHARLES ...
This newly updated second edition features wide-ranging, systematically organized scholarship in a concise introduction to ancient Greek drama, which flourished from the sixth to third century BC. Covers all three genres of ancient Greek ...
Presents a lively new translation of the eleven surviving satirical plays of the great ancient Greek playwright, including such comedy classics as The Birds, Lysistrata, The Clouds, The Frogs, and The Wasps. Original.
Reissue of Aristophanes' most famous plays in the Methuen Classical Greek Dramatists series Aristophanes is the oldest comedic writer in Western literature.
This Is A New Release Of The Original 1909 Edition.
A collection of four timeless plays: Agamemnon by Aeschylus, translated by Louis MacNeice; Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, translated by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald; Alcestis by Euripides, translated by Fitts...
The master of ancient Greek comic drama, Aristophanes combined slapstick, humour and cheerful vulgarity with acute political observations.
... N.S. Rabinowitz, Anxiety Veiled: Euripides and the Traffic in Women (1994), and J. Bonnamour and H. Delavault eds, Aristophane, les femmes et la cite (1979); on both, P.A. Cartledge, The Greeks: A Portrait of Self and Others (1993).
Overviews the political, historical, and cultural background of Greek drama and provides informative overviews of ten widely studied plays.
This outstanding collection also offers short biographies of the playwrights, enlightening and clarifying introductions to the plays, and helpful annotations at the bottom of each page.