A few of those who are allergic to birch pollen cannot eat hazelnuts . This is not particularly surprising , since birch and hazel belong to the same plant family . What is unexpected is the cross - reaction seen between birch pollen ...
Here is a concise guide to identifying, preventing, and treating allergy-based ailments. Adverse reactions to pesticides, cosmetics, plastics, tap water, food additives, and workplace items, as well as reactions to...
A parent's guide to allergies and asthma developed by a major children's hospital. The book combines comprehensive, authoritative information with common sense guidelines, recommendations and coping strategies.
The essential guide for anyone who suffers from food allergies.
In The Complete Idiot's GuideR to Food Allergies, readers will find expert answers to their food allergy questions- How and why bodies react adversely to foods, and how to tell if it is an allergic or non-allergic reaction.
Finally, he includes an allergy and anaphylaxis emergency plan and checklists to reduce cross-contamination. This is the most authoritative and accessible allergy book on the market.
Finally, he includes an allergy and anaphylaxis emergency plan and checklists to reduce cross-contamination. This is the most authoritative and accessible allergy book on the market.
But now, help is at hand. The team of authors behind this invaluable book -- the mother of a food-allergic child, a board-certified allergist, and a psychologist -- will take you through every step of life with a food-allergic child.
Allergies debunks the many myths about allergies and offers long-term help to both seasonal and chronic sufferers.
The book also includes a resources section, plus an extensive glossary