... and, judging by the strange new media venues, "Saturday Night Live," "Donahue," and gossip columnist Lany King's radio and television call-in shows on which 1992's Losing 245.
6 David S. Broder , The Party's Over : The Failure of Party Politics in America ( New York : Harper , 1972 ) . 7 New Republic , May 4 , 1987 , p.7 . 8 Thomas E. Cavanaugh and James L. Sundquist , “ The New Two - Party System , ” in John ...
There is no other print source, online source, or web search engine that provides the wide range and depth of insight found in Vital Statistics on American Politics. This new...
In Call to Order, Smith outlines how a fairly stable period of Congressional reform in the 1950s and the early 1960s erupted into a turbulent period of reform in the 1970s.
... covert , or semiformal — that were extended to the DPRK by Western governments in the kangsong taeguk period , we might well discover that the ratio of such outside assistance to local commercial earnings began to approach the scale ...
The Council's Independent Task Force on Public Diplomacy was formed to devise fresh and creative responses to a problem that has too often received short shrift by the U.S. government.
And how did the public hear what he said, especially as it was filtered through the news media? The eloquent and thoughtful Bush's War shows how public perception of what the president says is shaped by media bias.
... had accepted the $ 12,900 pay rise in February , both the Democratic Majority Leader , Robert C. Byrd , and the Republican Minority Leader , Howard H. Baker Jr. , had pledged they would support a limit on outside earned income .
Describes unexpected effects of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, discusses election rights, modern politics, and voting districts, and looks at election issues of the future 'Thernstrom maneuvers successfully between the civil rights ideology ...
The voting studies include Paul F. Lazarsfeld , Bernard Berelson , and Hazel Gaudet , The People's Choice ( New York : Duell , Sloan and Pearce ; 1944 ) : Angus Campbell and others , The Voter Decides ( Evanston , Ill .: Row , Peterson ...