Documentary by extraordinary photographer Mary Ellen Mark and Karen Folger Jacobs (text) in the women's mental institution of the Oregon State Hospital 1976.
The book is split into several sections, each of which examines different facets of mental illness and its portrayal in the media.
The Skills of Diagnostic Planning
This bulletin provides a summary of the ways in which mentally ill offenders are dealt with by the New South Wales (NSW) Criminal Courts and attempts to answer many of the common questions people have about mentally ill offenders and mental ...
Evaluation of two pharmaceutical care programmes for people with mental health problems living in the community
The Sensory Connection Program: Activities for Mental Health Treatment
Intervention in Mental Health-substance Use
Keeper of the Keys
Medicina París Francia Clínica Burghoelzli Universidad Zurich Suiza Clínica Psiquiátrica F. Medicina Bahía Brasil Comité du L'Enfance Deficient Marsella Francia Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Mendoza Argentina Gray Lingwell Hospital ...
Child Care Work with Emotionally Disturbed Children
Working to Recovery, Victim to Victor III: Planning Your Mental Well Being