A chocolate moose has difficulty finding a career until he inadvertently creates chocolate mousse.
A chocolate moose has difficulty finding a career until he inadvertently creates chocolate mousse.
This aquatic tale for children takes place in an usual aquarium full of duck fish, hippo fish, tiger fish, and one very large and hungry fish.
-Lists of bookstores across the USA, state by state, plus interviews with the book lovers who run them. -Various invitations to become a part of this book by calling and leaving a bookish voicemail of your own. -And more!
Too-Loose the Chocolate Moose was always a winner. e Little Bear series, Honey Rabbit, the Chronicles of Narnia series, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, any books about horses, and dozens of Bible stories became part of our daily ...
... Bread Basket You-Are-What-You-Eat Puppet Rhythm and Rhyming Skills All-Kinds-of-Soup Song Alphabet Soup Song Ants ... of Sunshine Fingerplay Glutton Feast Song Good Licken Groaning-Board Groan Gum Drop Sticky Teeth Rhyme H Team vs.
When it turns out a member of Warner Pier’s library board has been living on borrowed time, Lee is determined to discover who wrote the victim’s final chapter… Running TenHuis Chocolade keeps Lee McKinney Woodyard busy enough, but now ...
When Lee hires a free-spirited employee with a tie-dyed, troubled past, she discovers that even the counterculture can conceal a killer.
Relates the tale of how a group of penguins from the South Pole use their combined skills to start a new life in a warm climate.
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