Discusses the basics of bridge, surveys the various types of bids, and explains advanced bridge techniques
Let's Play Some Bridge
'Let's play Better Bridge,Ron Knight
16.95 Countdown to Winning Bridge by Tim Bourke and Marc Smith 192pp . , PB Can $ 19.95 US $ 15.95 Eddie Kantar teaches Topics in Declarer Play at Bridge by Eddie Kantar 240 pp . , PB Can $ 27.95 US $ 19.95 For Love or Money The Life of ...
This is the 2nd in the American Contract Bridge League's series of bridge books for beginning and advancing players.
Play Bridge in Four Hours
With a comprehensive breakdown of all the cards involved in the game, detailed information on scoring, tips on how to improve your skills, strategies for winning, and a tear-away cheat sheet, this guide will have even the newest bridge ...
Master the Fundamentals of Bridge Quickly and Easily with Strategies From a Seas H. Anthony Medley. If your partner responds 3 no trump or 4 of a minor to your heart bid , you can return ... Let's play it in 3 no trump . Your partner's hand ?
... played bridge with you and Dad. Remember, Mom?” “Can't recall the exact year, but Dad was still driving the Ossewa (oxwagon). That was the Ford V8. When we got the Rambler, we christened it Ossewa the second.” Denis knows all about the ...
Focuses on basic concepts of play of hand. Bidding tactics reviewed.
Hailed by the American Bridge Teachers' Association as the "Book of the Year." Line drawings.