"For years the members of the large and pathologically litigious Gaines family have seen one another only across the courtroom or across the casket. For this family, a revered and time-honored tradition has been, as soon as one member dies, to lose no time in contesting the will, aided by the warring (and related) law firms of Shapolsky and Shapolsky and Shapolsky & Shapolsky." "Now their endless family squabble takes a new turn when fresh-faced young banker Amelia Vanderbilt helps Harry Gaines, 92-year-old patriarch and possessor of a multimillion-dollar fortune, draft a will requiring his fractious heirs to "get along" - or lose the whole $60 million bundle. But each of the many Gaineses has his own ideas about how to spend the money - and "getting along" happens only when two join forces to sue a third." "Will Sam David's bribes work and allow him to construct three Trump Toweresque skyscrapers with the money? Or will Dwight David, ne'er-do-well and Cap d'Antibes denizen, open a disco? Will the money be used to fund homeless shelters or to open a museum of stunt car driving? What will the two Shapolsky law firms do if they lose their best (and only) clients? And what secrets is Amelia hiding as she tries to shepherd the Gaineses into an agreement?" "But can the Gaineses agree on anything? Or will a hundred years of spite and an army of greedy lawyers spoil the last hope for family peace? Greed can turn even the nicest people into Borgias - and the Gaineses aren't all that nice to begin with." "In this comic twist on the family saga, Michael Levin demonstrates the sure sense of comedy and irony that earned praise for The Socratic Method and Settling the Score, with a cast of memorable characters and a plot that has more twists than a Shapolsky legal argument."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
本书是福尔摩斯探案集的最新作品。福尔摩斯是柯南道尔创作的一位家喻户晓的人物。柯南道尔去世后,其产权会负责管理福尔摩斯系列作品的版权,本书是唯一获得柯南道尔产权会 ...
(美)罗伯特·富兰克林·杨著, 赖逸娟译 ... 它最喜欢的是清晨,太阳照耀着邻家屋顶的那种清晨,完全明亮而金黄色的清晨。 ... 都一定带有至少一个能挑起反应的关联词,而它引用的句子从尤维纳利斯到乔伊斯,从卢梭到罗素,或从欧里庇德斯到艾略特都有。
蒂安卡拉(希克斯太太)玛奇梅因侯爵的情人维尔考克斯布莱兹赫德庄园管家霍金斯太太弗莱特家的保姆雷克斯·莫特拉姆朱莉娅的丈夫, ... 玛奇梅因侯爵夫人的亲信,监管塞巴斯艾德里安·波森爵士玛奇梅因侯爵夫人的终身密友安东尼·布兰奇查尔斯和塞巴斯蒂安在牛津 ...
Traditional Chinese edition of The Cuckoo's Calling, the novel by Robert Galbraith, the alter ego of J.K. Rowling.
Traditional Chinese edition of The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling. In Traditional Chinese. Annotation copyright Tsai Fong Books, Inc. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
诺亚·霍利著《坠落之前/果然世界不错畅销小说大系》记录了一架私人飞机坠机,11名乘客中,只有2名幸存――一位默默无名的画家斯科特和传媒大亨的四岁儿子。遇难人员包括传媒 ...
安妮自學校畢業後,留在當地任教,度過了充滿歡笑的時光,她用愛與溫暖感化學生,贏得大眾的尊敬和讚美,和戴安娜的友誼依然如花朵般綻放,安妮又結識了許多新朋友和可愛的 ...
安妮離開艾德華王子島,到金斯伯德就讀雷蒙大學,學生生活的三大重點:宿舍生活、課業競爭、戀愛學分,大學男生晚上喜歡去女生宿舍拜訪,好跟心儀的女孩聊天,宿舍總是很熱 ...
本書又譯為《清秀佳人》。正如國旗上的楓葉一樣,你即將翻開的這本小說也是加拿大的文化地標之一,迄今為止,它已經為全世界成千上萬的讀者所喜聞樂見。《紅髮安妮》之所以 ...
居住於愛德華王子島的馬修和瑪麗娜,希望從孤兒院領養一個男孩,以便幫忙田園間的工作,誰知道在陰錯陽差之下,孤兒院託人帶來了一個精力旺盛、喜歡喋喋不休的紅髮小女孩 ...