Never were there two more unlikely people to fall in love... Lady Alexandria Cassel scorned London's frivolous social whirl, seeking adventure as a stowawayaboard a merchant ship. Drake Barrett was the vessel's powerful captain -- and a cynical duke who disdained a noble's shallow life. At sea he revealed neither his origins nor his wealth, and to Alexandria he was simply a man who made her cool reserve fly with the winds...whose desire for her was as wildas the ocean they sailed. Caught in the crossfire of war, they were shipwrecked on an idyllic island, where they tasted perfect passion...and tenderness. But Drake dreaded the day of their rescue -- when his love would discover that the virile man she adored was at the pinnacle of the aristocracy she despised. Hardlydid they suspect the base treachery that would soon threaten them...and the dangers each would brave to join forever their hearts and lives!
At the Sign of the Dolphin: An Elizabeth Goudge Anthology
London in den späten vierziger Jahren: Die Schriftstellerin Juliet erhält einen erstaunlichen Brief.
Frustrated by his inability to harness the frenetic energy of a country on the brink of change, photographer Edward Muybridge determines to pioneer a technology that will allow cameras to catch reality down to its most fleeting moments.
Untouched Mistress by Margaret Mcphee Guy Tregellas, Viscount Varington, has a rakish reputation, and when he discovers a beautiful woman washed up on a beach he is more than intrigued.
A NOBLE MAN -- Anne Ashley: Lady Sophia Cleeve dazzled all that Season, but she declared she would not marry a pampered man.
"Three Regency heroes in disguise. Three Christmas novellas to warm your heart!"--Back cover.
MISTLETOE MAGIC by Sophia James: Could she be betrothed by Christmas?
Tarnished rose of the court: A dangerous mission at Queen Elizabeth's bidding is Celia Sutton's chance to erase the taint of her brother's treason.
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