Gillian has to decide between cosmopolitan Gordon in New York or passionate Chris in San Francisco
When Morgan Carter's car breaks down 250 miles from his home, he figures his weekend plans are ruined.
With unique insight and unparalleled access, Peter Guralnick brings to life the people, the songs, and the performance that forever changed not only the American music scene but America itself.
A young girl visits her grandmother in Vietnam where her parents were born and learns that she can call two places home.
In this invaluable guide and touchstone, New York Times bestselling author Jon Katz addresses the difficult but necessary topic of saying goodbye to a beloved pet.
It is the most personal novel to date from Zambra, the most important Chilean author since Roberto Bolaño.
Purpose is to protect rights of nursing home residents and help residents make informed choices. ... Best Friends Day Center 859-266-5283 Provides support groups, library, and day care center with sliding 323 going home.
They just find homes , places where people have gone away for the weekend , or homes that are empty . " " To throw parties ? " Clay asked , disgusted . He'd certainly pulled his fair share of shenanigans growing up in this town ...
We'd play football and go home with trophyworthy net burns on our elbows, hands and necks. In the spring of my sophomore year we built a cabin by falling trees with hatchets then notching the logs to fit snugly together at the corners.
There was no better feeling than coming home to our new home every night after work. Just the three of us: Brad, Harvey, and myself. With spring turning to summer, the farms all around were turning green and lush and flowers were ...
I think that's her favorite part about the whole process — the actual physical work it takes to build these homes. ... “And on top of that she usually leaves 'bout four to go and help with the evening rush over at Sammy's.