This lavishly illustrated, fact- and fiction-filled book explores aspects of the moon such as Moon goddesses, the moon's place in astrology and ancient rites, the moon's effects on Earth, scientific facts about the moon itself, the future of moon travel, and more. Includes an introduction by Col. James Irwin, one of the 12 Apollo astronauts to walk on the moon. 250 photographs and illustrations, many in color.
Though many try, only the court jester is able to fulfill Princess Lenore's wish for the moon.
This book tries to convey, in some poems, a perceived view from the inside of a special need child's mind toward their parents or through an interaction with another person.
... williams viii. aloneliness dolphin moon tomorrow our movement starts 9 3 silence is the sharpest blade self-exiled the best way to gain power is to show none 12 22 52 55 28 38 40 27 31 34 39 32 13 37 26 The Many Moons All In Orbit.
This magnificent novel by one of America’s finest writers is the epic of one man’s remarkable journey, set in nineteenth-century America against the background of a vanishing people and a rich way of life.
In 364 daily offerings organised according to the cycles of the moon, Jamie Sams offers stirring and poetic insights into the spirituality of the earth, connecting with our communities, and our own soul journeys.
Kristin Leutwyler. 18 | THE MOONS OF JUPITER Blooming Storms Jupiter's upiter's Great Red Spot blooms like a giant cabbage rose in this false color image , a composite of 18 photographs taken on June 26 , 1996. The Galileo Orbiter ...
Featuring full-color, scientifically accurate illustrations by NASA artist Ron Miller, Natural Satellites: The Book of Moons chronicles these investigations and the questions we have yet to answer in our exploration of the solar system's ...
There are many moons and they all have different names.
In Many Moons, Manning depicts her collaborations with Canadian legends such as Burton Cummings, Chris Hadfield, and William Lishman, providing readers with an intimate view of a musician's life and up-close encounters with some of Canada's ...
Vast legions of gods, mages, humans, dragons and all manner of creatures play out the fate of the Malazan Empire in this first book in a major epic fantasy series from Steven Erikson.