Now your students can benefit from Jack C Richards'successful approach with Person to Person third edition.
Chloe Caldwell has an unsparing knack for looking within and reporting back what’s really there, rather than what she’d like you to see. “I couldn’t stop reading this book, and when I was finished I kept looking around to see where ...
Dimple Pennington knows of her half siblings, but she doesn't really KNOW them.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Toward a Modern Approach to Values: the Valuing Process in the Mature Person. The Interpersonal Relationship: The Core of Guidance. Subverbal Communication and Therapist Expressivity: Trends in...
Smith's book puts a stake in the ground, in defense of a view of the human that is genuinely humanistic in the traditional sense and capable of sustaining with intellectual coherence things like modern human rights and universal benevolence ...
To read these 19 stories is to become the confidant of 19 very different, very real people.
This unique program teaches listeners how to "decode" and reply to non-verbal signals from friends and business associates when those signals are often vague and thus frequenly ignored.
I still make fun of my own anxiety and "depresh" as catharsis. I sing about it on tour, talk about it on my podcast, and draw pictures of it here in this book.
First Person Singular
These tales are of ordinary but poignant beauty: at the pub, strangers regale each other with memories of Christmases past; lovers share tales over dinner about how they met, their former lovers, and each other; a woman even tells a story ...