Antología con más de cuarenta autores que prestan su visión para hacer un recuento de la película original de Star Wars; cada una de estas historias recrea algún momento de la película a través de los ojos de un personaje secundario.
... in The New Review from January to May of 1895 , and The War of The Worlds appeared in Pearson's Magazine in 1897 . ... Besides Jules Verne , who was published just about everywhere , writers like Edgar Allan Poe and Edward Everett ...
Strange Universe: An Anthology of Science Fiction
The Dragon in the Sea
" ... [F]eatures 17 original and two classic tales that reflect the current creative state of Texas sci-fi. alongside historical essays and an introduction by Hugo award-winning, Texas ex-pat Bruce Sterling."--Back cover.
The Jesus Incident
The third gripping action-adventure novel set in the dark, military world of the blockbuster video game from LucasArts, STAR WARS: REPUBLIC COMMANDO.
Presents a collection of short stories, including "Call Me Joe," "The Immortal Game," "The Live Coward," and "Then Death Will Come.".
The Book of Poul Anderson